Human Trafficking:
Tools to help in recovery and prevention of human trafficking
Let’s face it, ‘adulting’ can be hard. We know there are things we should be doing to manage life and take care of ourselves but it can feel overwhelming at times. It doesn’t matter your age or circumstances, you deserve the benefits that come from learning and practicing these skills. You will gain confidence and have strategies to deal with life when you are having a bad day or things just don’t seem to be working out.
We’ve designed these self-paced learning modules to help with some of the basics. Do yourself a favour and invest some time in YOU.
Financial Literacy
Time to get a handle on your finances and this presentation will help. In this session you will learn how to:
Decide what’s really important when you want to spend money.
Track your expenses and reduce them if you need to.
Prepare a realistic budget.
Eating on a Budget
Incorporating self-care into your routine is a really powerful step in reclaiming yourself.
You will learn how you might begin to incorporate strategies to self-support through each day.
You will be introduced to concepts of self-care within the Indigenous medicine wheel.
You will begin to see the strength in setting boundaries as self-care.
Meal Planning
Discover tips for eating the best you can on a tight budget.
Key messages in this presentation include;
You can choose to eat foods that are better for your body and mind than others.
Portion sizes can help you maintain a healthy relationship with food.
There are a number of downloadable apps designed to help you save money when grocery shopping.
Growing your own food is possible and could inspire a love of growing food.
You can make cheaper versions of your favourite comfort food.
Self-Care Action Plan
Having a plan to help you through the tough days is a great idea. This module will help you build one (or two).
Discover your own simple, safe stash of wellness tools.
Develop a plan - that you can change whenever you want - to help you stay as well as possible.
Identify upsetting events or circumstances and develop action plans for responding to them.
Create a strategy to gain support and stay in control of your wellness when you feel a crisis is coming.
Healthy Relationships
In this module we discuss what it means to have healthy relationships and boundary settling as an important part of building healthy relationships with others.
We will answer these questions;
What do healthy relationships look and feel like?
What do unhealthy relationships look and feel like?
What can you do to make your relationships with others healthier for you?
What are healthy boundaries within relationships?
Designed as a follow up to ‘Eating as Best You Can on a Budget’, this module provides additional information to help you plan meals and shop for healthier food options.
In this presentation you will;
Learn how lists, and meal planning can help cut costs and make your money go further.
Gain the skills to think about the food you eat,
Understand some basic food safety skills.
Find some ideas for meals that can be made with items from the food bank.